Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Counting My Blessings....

It's always easy to forget how very lucky our family is.  We live in a warm home, we have access to easy transportation, we eat well, and we have eachother.  This Holiday Season... I am so very thankful for Jon, Aurelia, my friends, family, coworkers, a job, my home, and so much more!

As Aurelia grows up, I hope to teach her to count her blessings.  My friend Naomi (she has the cutest ideas!)and her son Owen wrote down things they were thankful for and put them in a jar during Thanksgiving.... I think I might do this with Arie, but year round.  We can put things in the jar as we go along all year long... and on Thanksgiving, we can share and count our blessings from the past year.

I know Arie is still a little too young to truly participate in this right now, but I think we'll be able to enjoy this next year... for now, I can start our Blessings Jar for us.

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