Friday, September 30, 2011

Thoughts on my mind lately

No photos for this post--mostly because I like to give my camera a rest every once in a while-and I haven't really felt like taking photographs lately--sometimes it's nice to just be with Arie with out shoving a camera in her face.

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately.

Thoughts about life, happiness, love, priorities, identity, parenting....

I started to read the Happiness Project by Gretchin Rubin.  Before I started reading this book, I started to deeply think about mindful living- something you'd think was easy (and maybe it is for some) but for me, it's not.

I know I get caught up in the "busy-ness" of day to day life and I know that I don't stop to enjoy my life that I have been so very blessed with.

One of my favorite things of late is time with Arie cuddling in our bed before I leave for work.  She strokes my face and my hair, she tells me she loves me.  She calls me mama.... it's the best feeling in the world.  I am not thinking about anything else in my life during these moments.  Just being, soaking her in, wishing I could burn this in my memory forever because life is fleeting and these moments are really just moments- they vanish so very quickly.

It has taken a very long time for me to get to this place in my life.  A few years ago- right after I had Arie, it was trying.  I experienced PPD and PPOCD.  I basically also went through an identity crisis, and I felt out of control.  I finally feel grounded, accepting of the person I have become, embracing the life that I am in.

Life is good.

I am blessed.

And for all that I am blessed with, I am grateful....I hope I continue to be for the rest of my life....and I hope I can teach Arie mindful living as well.


  1. I read that book and it SO spoke to me! My favorite line is: "The days are long but the years are short." I'm finding this to be SO true in parenting!

  2. What a beautiful post, by a beautiful mama. Thanks for sharing!
